Wednesday 23 March 2011

Postcards - Planning and designing.

We have been planning the postcards, I have been designing the postcards on Adobe Illustrator and creating the look for them. I have designed a front and a back, and I have thought about what should go on the postcards and where it should go.   
We have now changed the design of the postcards, they are now A5 front and back. On the front we have Penwith college the course name and a picture of the building that the specific course is located in. 

This was the first initial design for the front of the postcards, its simple and is set for the seperate subjects.

We then decided that we should place a picture on it somewhere.

We found the college logo and edited it in Adobe Illustrator, we designed it for an A5 sheet of paper. We then stuck with the green colour scheme and put the name of the course at the bottom.

This is a design that we got from the first initial design, but we have placed a picture of the Zennor building in the background and changed the opacity of it so that we could see the writing.

The picture of the Zennor building is relevant as it tells you that the Creative and Media diploma is located in the Zennor building.

We may have to change the width of the writing, so that it becomes more clearer on top of the picture.

This is the first design for the back, the layout is again simple, but shows the information needed.

But still we decided that it'd be best to add pictures.
The student comments looked a bit out of place, we had to seperate the two with lines.
The information is set in bullet point format, to make it more appealing to younger readers, as they wouldn't want to read a whole paragraph.

We have placed the Penwith website address on the back so that people who are interested in the course can go there to find more information.

Now that we have designed and printed a postacard that we are happy with, we now have to create postcards for the other subjects. We have to change the writing to be relative to the subject and change the pictures.

Monday 21 March 2011

Shot lists.

-Shot list for our dance webisode.
  • Shot 1- Title- Dance department  = 3-4 seconds.
  • Shot 2- Dance routine of group   = 7 seconds. (Long shot).
  • Shot 3- 
  • Shot 4- Interview   = 10 seconds. (Medium shot).
  • Shot 5- Dance routine of group  = 7 seconds. (Long shot).
  • Shot 6- Another Interview   = 8 seconds.  (Medium shot).
  • Shot 7- Reversing out of the dance hall  = 5 seconds.  (Long shot).

-Shot list for our drama webisode.
  • Shot 1- Title- Drama department    = 3-4 seconds.
  • Shot 2- Acting   = 7 seconds.  (Long shot).
  • Shot 3- Interview  = 10 seconds. (Medium shot).
  • Shot 4- 
  • Shot 5- Rehearsing a script  = 7 seconds.  (Close up).
  • Shot 6- Interview   = 8 seconds.  (Medium shot).
  • Shot 7- Reversing out of the drama hall  = 5 seconds. (Long shot).

-Shot list for our art webisode.
  • Shot 1- Title- Art department  = 3-4 seconds.
  • Shot 2- Artwork   = 7 seconds.   (Long shot).
  • Shot 3- Interview  = 10 seconds.   (Medium shot).
  • Shot 4- More artwork  = 4 seconds.  (Close up).
  • Shot 5- Making  = 7 seconds.  (Long shot).
  • Shot 6- Interview  = 8 seconds.  (Medium shot).
  • Shot 7- Reversing out of the art room  = 5 seconds. (Long shot).

-Shot list for our health and social webisode.
  • Shot 1- Title- Health and social  = 3-4 seconds.        
  • Shot 2- Teaching  = 7 seconds.   (Long shot).
  • Shot 3- Interview  = 10 seconds. (Medium shot).
  • Shot 4- Visual   = 3-4 seconds.  (Long shot).
  • Shot 5- Interview  = 8 seconds.  (Medium shot).
  • Shot 6- Students work  = 7 seconds.  (Medium, close up shots).
  • Shot 7- Reversing out of the room = 5 seconds. (Long shot).
-Shot list for the Zennor building webisode.
  • Shot 1- Title- The Zennor building at Penwith college.
  • Shot 2- Library- starting by the lift. (Long shot).
  • Shot 3- Leave library and turn down the corridor.
  • Shot 4- Walk down the corridor.
  • Shot 5- Mac suite walk into (Fade out).
  • Shot 6- (Fade in) Beauty room, backing out.
  • Shot 7- Walk down the corridor.
  • Shot 8- Walk into hair salon (fade out).
  • Shot 9- (fade in) Recording studio.
  • Shot 10- Mixing desk in the recording studio. (Close up).
  • Shot 11- Walk down the corridor.
  • Shot 12- Enter drama hall and walk through.
  • Shot 13- Walk out and enter catering.
  • Shot 14- Catering kitchen. (Close up).
  • Shot 15- Walk around into the lecture theatre.
  • Shot 16- Showing people watching a film.
We have yet to do the Porthcurno shot list as we aren't sure of the layout, so the first thing we need to do is to go over there and take down room list and what we should include and what doesn't need to be included. We need to make sure we include the important rooms such as the library, refectory and the reception. We also need to include the different rooms which Zennor doesn't have like the different lessons that are taught over there. We also need to think about how we will film the surroundings of both of the buildings.
We had a look around Porthcurno today and wrote down the rooms that we are going to film, then we started to think about how we would film them and in what order. We are planning to film on Monday during one of our lessons we will be filming the rest of Zennor and hopefully Porthcurno. Then we shall get the rest of the filming done and then we will start to edit. We have edited the start of the Zennor film, we have to show this to Martin on Monday so he can see how were progressing and so he can give feedback and tell us anything that is wrong or right. This also helps towards client feedback.

    Powerpoint for Martin Tucker.

    -Target Audience.
    • The main audience is for 16-28 year olds.
    • Our ideas need to be short and catchy to appeal to the target audience.
    • People in secondary schools to adults who want to study again.
    -Different from last years.
    • People from last year did postcards so we need to make them more eye catching and innovative so it shows we are creating and developing our own ideas that would suit the target audience.
    -Student opinions.
    • Are important as it gives the target audience a more realistic opinion of the college compared to the lecturers and head of the college.
    • Also they are people who are the same age and will be able to relate easier.

    -As a result of these we have come up with these ideas:  Webisodes.
    • Last week we went around the college and shot some of our footage.
    • The target audience has been brought up around the internet and websites such as 'YouTube'. They spend more time on the internet than other generations before have, this is why we have chosen the webisodes idea.
    • The storyboards have been planned to make filming the webisodes easier to film. Also this way we can have enough footage for the 45 seconds.
    • We have adapted the postcard idea so that its a foldout information booklet, it will have 8 sides for more information.
    • They are only going to be made up of A4 card so that they can fit into pockets and be easier to carry around.
    • We feel that this appeals to the target audience more than a massive booklet would.

    Thursday 10 March 2011

    This week - planning.

    We have started to plan our webisodes this week, we are planning on getting the storyboards done and film porthcurno and Zennor on Monday. Then next week, we will plan when we are going to film the lessons. We will be asking the lecturers in that week, then hoping to film the week after. We have planned out which rooms in Zennor we should film. They are Z308, Z310, Z301, Z212, Z207, Refectory, Reception, Z006, Lecture Theater, Dance and Drama, Catering and Z025. This is going from the top floor down to the ground floor.
    We are now thinking about how we will film and how long each shot should be. We have mind mapped what will go into each shot and what we should include in each 45 second film. We have drawn up some rough shot lists and have planned out each shot, how long it should take, what will be in the shot, plus looking for the important things to film and the best effective. We are going to film the Zennor building tomorrow, so that we have something to show Martin Tucker when we see him next week, this builds up the relationship with the client and also gives them an insight as to how the product will look once its done, also this gives them a chance to make changes. Next week we will be making arrangements with the separate subjects and planning a time for us to film.
    Last week in photography Gemma and I went and took some photos of the two buildings Zennor and Porthcurno so that we have pictures to put on the postcards to show the specific building to the specific subject. We are then thinking about the student comments that we wanted for the postcards, what sort of questions should we ask and the responses we would expect. We are planning on going to the library one lunch time and ask a handful of students for there opinion of their course and the college.

    Wednesday 9 March 2011

    Final Feedback from Lee

    I showed Lee my final logo design, he liked the colours and said they went well together. He said that the logo would look good on all the merchandise. It was good that it wasn't genre specific, it works well without the name and its re-producible.
    I had changed the size and the font of my design and i'm happy with it now. Lee will get back to us on which one he wants to use.

    The last thing that we have to do is to put everything we have done for the commission with Lee into a portfolio. So everything that we have done, like designs, explanations and mind mapping.

    Monday 7 March 2011

    Marketing team interview.

    We had a interview with Marie Walton who is head of the marketing team For Penwith College. We were asking her questions, our first question was to ask what she does, she told us she does internal marketing, Mazey day stalls, prospectuses, school events, open days/evenings.
    She told us how to use our materials in a way that will attract younger and older viewers. She told us to sound positive, have lots of confidence, and to be proud.
    She said we have to make it interesting for younger viewers and to have a high quality for older viewers, its all about the ages and making the right choice.

    This will help us create more of an understanding with the target audience, Marie helped us understand how to create ideas that will benefit a bigger age range, and that will entice them into our products. She told us if were giving out cool freebies that we should just give them out, we should encourage them in with the product then talk to them about the college and what were trying to do and then they can have the cool freebies. 

    I have been thinking about how to make the promotional material positive and I have thought about the use of positive buzzwords. These are snappy words which instantly make the work sound positive.

    This is a list of positive Buzzwords.
    •     Best
    •       Unique
    •       Amazing
    •       Great
    •       Smart
    •       Thrilled
    •       Delighted
    •       Legendary
    •       Extraordinary
    •       Groundbreaking
    •       One of a kind
    •       Best in class
    •       Never before
    •       Win-Win
    •       Magical
    •       Peak performance
    •       Next gen 
    •       Never been done
    •      Powerful
    •      Intuitive

    Friday 4 March 2011

    Final logo design for Lee

    I have taken on everything that Lee has said over the last few weeks and developed a logo that is appropriate to what he asked for. My final design has changed quite abit according to what he wanted. The logo is new and fresh, coinsidently the name of the logo is Fresh. The logo is a picture of a self drawn cup with some orange juice, making the logo relate to the image with thinking about freshly squeezed orange juice. There is a straw that tilts into the juice and the name Fresh is tilted to be parallel with the straw, all the letters of the name link and join together in a abstract kind of way. Now that it has come down to the final idea we will be having a last meeting with Lee for him to pick the idea that he likes best for his record label.