Monday 21 March 2011

Powerpoint for Martin Tucker.

-Target Audience.
  • The main audience is for 16-28 year olds.
  • Our ideas need to be short and catchy to appeal to the target audience.
  • People in secondary schools to adults who want to study again.
-Different from last years.
  • People from last year did postcards so we need to make them more eye catching and innovative so it shows we are creating and developing our own ideas that would suit the target audience.
-Student opinions.
  • Are important as it gives the target audience a more realistic opinion of the college compared to the lecturers and head of the college.
  • Also they are people who are the same age and will be able to relate easier.

-As a result of these we have come up with these ideas:  Webisodes.
  • Last week we went around the college and shot some of our footage.
  • The target audience has been brought up around the internet and websites such as 'YouTube'. They spend more time on the internet than other generations before have, this is why we have chosen the webisodes idea.
  • The storyboards have been planned to make filming the webisodes easier to film. Also this way we can have enough footage for the 45 seconds.
  • We have adapted the postcard idea so that its a foldout information booklet, it will have 8 sides for more information.
  • They are only going to be made up of A4 card so that they can fit into pockets and be easier to carry around.
  • We feel that this appeals to the target audience more than a massive booklet would.

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