Wednesday 16 February 2011

Creating ideas for Lee

Over the last couple of weeks I have been developing my logo ideas for Lee. I have changed the name to 'Fresh Squeeze' as Lee said would sound better, more enticing. So I developed my ideas using this name, I created a better feel to the logo, and chose to stick with the idea of keeping the logo to do with the name. So for 'Fresh Squeeze' I grabbed a picture of a hand squeezing an orange from the internet, and I then traced it on Adobe Illustrator. I also tried drawing my own, didn't turn out as well as I would have liked. I now have a full sheet of ideas that will go with the name of the logo. We have had feedback recently for this and Lee has decided he liked my first initial idea of the coloured cup and straw so I now have to develop this and think about fonts now for it. I have re-drawn the logo and made it a slightly different shape, but I have kept the colours because Lee said that they looked really good and worked well together. I am now choosing fonts for the name and experimenting with the position of the font. Lee also said that perhap just the word 'fresh' would work, so I have also tried the logo and just the word 'fresh' without the word 'squeeze'. Lee also said that the logo was good enough to work well without the name. So I have been thinking about that aspect as well. But for my final design I think I will keep the name there.

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