Tuesday 8 February 2011

Target audience.

This has been our main focus of this project, the target audience is key to having successful ideas. We have been asked who our target audiences are, and how our ideas will appeal to them.
We have been looking closely at mark band three of brief two that talks about the target audience.

Target audience is: Specific group that the marketing message is aimed at. The target audience can be people of a certain age group, gender etc. Target Audiences are set to focus on different groups, this is essential to become familiar with your target market.

We have also been asked to define the audience demographic. This is to define who exactly is our target audience. We have placed the age range from 14-28. We have done this so we cover those that are in there last year and secondary school and those that are coming back to college or are starting college at an older age, these students will study access courses or degrees.

Demographic audience: Advertisers often define their target market in terms of demographics; demographics are a very important aspect of media planning in matching the media with the market. Each demographic category is broken down (by the various research companies) according to its characteristics. There are probably certain groups of people, or market segments, that are more likely than others to want your product.  It's important to identify such segments.

Consumer demographics:
  •   Age-Sex-Ethnic backgrounds -  These are the important thing to take into consideration when defining your target audience. Although ethnic background may not seem to matter but we have to remember that colours and terminology differ from country to country, this is important to know so that the designer do not insult anyone, also stops from evoking the wrong set of emotions. Our products are made for different ages but are defined for those ages, the webisodes will appeal to the younger audience such as the 'Youtube/ Ipod generation' this means that the younger audiences today are controlled by the way they watch programmes now. There is no rush to watch your programme if you miss it you can record it, watch it on websites like: 4od and iplayer. People that listen to music tend to put there favourite songs on there Ipod/mp3 rather then the whole of the album. They shuffle songs so they have a wide range of there favourite tunes.

  • Economic situations - In the case of something that can become very expensive you have to take into account the average wage for persons that this may be targeted at these people. Often you need to look at who the product is targeted at and change the price of thing to aim at the right target audience.

  • Geographic locations - This isn't always important it just where the user lives and where they do there work. Knowing where the users live can allow everyone in the time frame to use again, usability and appealing to the audience on the basis of convenience.

  • Interests and hobbies - The interests of the users can matter to the convenience of the product. And the hobbies of the users. The product has to be convenient to where the user might need to use it.

  • Affluence - This will depend on how vulnerable your marketing audience is, in this case the youngest of the target audience will be at most vulnerable to the impact the that video will hopefully make on them, they are meant to be less boring and more interesting to watch.

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