Thursday 27 January 2011


This is the first draft for my name and logo design. The name I have chosen is outranked, I have chosen this name because it is ironic to what I hope the record company can achieve. Hopefully the record company won't be out ranked and will do well and produce some good bands, and be popular. I have drawn three designs for this name, but I have stuck closely to a theme. The theme is Rank meaning when you get ranked (position) in the army. In the forces you ranked according to your importance. So my logo designs are based upon this. The first design is besed on the second world war Nazi patch, using the wings from the eagle I have created a proud looking logo.The second I have used the patch for the navy that uese the three gold arrows that point down and created a retro feel to the design. The third and final design is a simplistic its simply a record and hes a label coming of the side with the name on it.
I have now thought about the other two that I will be presenting to Lee.

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