Saturday 15 January 2011

Primary Research.

We had a meeting with Lee on Wednesday 12th January, and he explained what he wanted, so that we could help create it for Unit 2- Commission. What he wanted was an online record company, that would have an open genre. He asked us if we would create a name and a logo for the record company, he said that bands formed in college will be welcome to sign but must get passed a panel of judges just like others would need to do. He asked us to create a name that was original and that didn't have anything to do with the college, a logo also. He wants the name and logo to be clear and recognizable and wants it to attract a specific target audience of the ages 18-28. He wants the name and logo to look good on merchandise and at gigs.
We have two weeks to think of three names and three logos for each of those names, then we have to pitch our ideas to Lee, and let him decide.
I have created a mind map on Mindmeister to show how I went about finding names for the record label, I have come up with a few but only a couple that I like, and ones that I can create logos for. I have thought of one that I am comfortable with and ones that I didn't have a lot of trouble creating logos for. I am thinking about the other two that I can create. My mindmap consists of words that the meaning are relevant to a record company, such as words like Octave, Sound, Obsession etc. We will have to stick to what our client has specifically asked for, so that we ensure our client will receive what they have asked for. We have been told that we should all pitch three different ideas and that Lee will ask us to develop one of our ideas with more descriptions and detail. Then we will pitch our final idea and Lee will pick only one of ours for the name and logo for the record company. I have been developing a good understanding of what Lee wants for the logo. I have been taking on board the things that he has specifically asked for such as having the record company as an indie style, independent and new. He wants the record company to be new and attractive to all sorts of music genres to advertise to everyone. So the name has to be fresh and adventurous. So my first initial ideas were based along the lines of the words new and fresh. By doing this I have stayed clear of let the logo have anything to do with the college itself, which is something that Lee wanted. I have be doodling some simple designs down that would look good on merchandise such as t-shirts, lighters, hats etc. Also something that will look good on posters.

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