Thursday 27 January 2011

Presentation Feedback.

Yesterday we presented our ideas to Lee and he gave us feedback on each of them, then told us to develop one. I will scan the originals in at some point so that I can show the changes that will be made by the end of this section of the unit.

Out-Ranked logo.
For my first idea he said that it perhaps had too much association with the forces, and also that my first design would look better on something like on an album cover.

Progress logo.
For my second idea he said that he liked the simplicity of the design, but reminded him of a 'working progress' which he didn't really want.

Freshly Squeezed logo.
For my third idea he said that he preferred this one over all. He said the design even looked 'fresh' he said perhaps shorten the name 'fresh squeeze'? And said the font may look good in the 'factory records' font.

So he said that developing my third idea would be best.
So we now have a week to do this. To develop our idea more and then we will pitch our final idea.

What I now have to do.
I am now taking on board what Lee has asked for my final design.
I have thought about changing the name from 'Freshly Squeezed' to 'Fresh Squeeze' and I have re- designed the logos. The logo that Lee liked the most was the last one, so I have tried to develop this one more. I have added a picture I took from the Internet as a draft, this picture is of a hand squeezing an orange. I have also made a copy of the originals and: coloured them, changed the position of the text. I have created the copies so that I can use them as templates so that I can re-create the same image differently.
I am now in the middle of playing around with different colours and fonts that would suit the logo best, and I am trying to find one that looks or resembles the factory records font that Lee suggested would work.
I am still trying to think of words that re-create the word 'fresh' that i could take on, but i think fresh sums up the design very well. I think the use of the orange tells the audience just how fresh it is. When I think of oranges I think of a hot summers day and drinking fresh chilled orange juice. Its re-freshing and tastes good.
I think having the orange being squeezed and having the droplets of orange juice coming off, it really makes the mouth water. And appeals more.

These are just some of the ideas I showed to Lee at the pitch, he preferred the first of my freshly squeezed logos.

I have been developing my ideas over the last week, I have only developed the one that Lee liked the most which was the freshly squeezed logo. I have changed the name to Fresh squeeze, and I have created some new designs. I have advanced the first ideas and created some totally new ones. This way I have given my client what he has asked for and I have also given him a choice of designs that I'm hoping he will like.                                   

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