Monday 31 January 2011

Meeting with Martin Tucker.

Martin doesn't want our promotional material to just attract 16 year olds, he wants those that want to come back to college, or to study.
He wants us to promote the new buildings and show the public how much Penwith college has developed over the last few years.
We thought about getting some of the student opinions of the school, past students, and students that are studing here today.
We also want the lecturers opinions of the new builds and how the college has developed.
We want to promote to as many secondary schools as possible. Also to promote the courses that are on offer here, the new campus, activities outside of college, new friends, new experiences.

Martin wants us to create 3 initial ideas that we will show to him and he will give us feedback. We have to tell him how we will sell our ideas and he will give us a budget that we will work around.

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