Monday 31 January 2011

Questions to ask access students and degree students.

What attracted you to this college?
What made you think about coming back to college?
What they would like to change/ develop whilst studying here?
What do you want to have acheived when finished your year at college?
Do you think that coming back to college will help with finding future jobs?
Why didn't you finish or start college?
What do you think about the college?
What do you like about the campus?
What course are you studying?
What do you like about the course?

Firstly we spoke to a access student, who is studying the access 2 health and social care.
She said that the course is really intensive, hard work but can be fun. She said that its hard because you cover lots of subjects in one, biology, maths, physcology, english, sociology. This is useful beacuse it can prepare you for a number of jobs and will also prepare you for a degree. Also they develop skills.
she chose to study here beacuse of the price of the access course. better price compared to other courses. And offers a lot.
Found the course attracted to those that want to nurse - biology.
Access course offers university degrees.
Wants to go on to teach, so the maths that is studied can offer this.
The college is alot better now from when she first came to study as a 16 year old. Buildings have improved, resources.

Secondly we spoke to a foundation degree student who was doing a 2 year course in community and youth work.
She chose this college on the basis it was local and close to home. Easier to access. New builds that offer alot more.
Penwith seems a really positive place, has had a great time, local community.
Great course, staff are supportive, resources, places to go.
She is a single mum, decided to wait to begin this course until her children were in secondary school, wants to also set a good example for her children.
Course- community work, working with young people, volenteer work, work placements, working with those that have mental health - said that she enjoys this part the most, feels that she is helping others.
Didn't think that she would enjoy going back to college as much as she has done. She now only has 8 weeks left of the course and is hoping to go on to do teaching.

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